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Return of the honey buzzard

Return of the honey buzzard

Original Title : De Terugkeer van de Wespendief
English Title : Return of the honey buzzard
Country : Netherlands
Language : Dutch
Year : 2017
Runtime : 90 min
Director : Stanley Kolk Venue: City Pride Satara Road
Screen: Screen 3
Showtime: 12th Jan 2018, 11.15 a.m.
Venue: Carnival Cinema : Mumbai Pune Road, Chinchwad
Screen: Screen 3
Showtime: 15th Jan 2018, 11.30 a.m.

Festivals & Awards

Jagran Film Festival, New Delhi


A man enters Simons' bookshop. The man reminds Simon of someone from his past. He is intrigued by the stranger and starts following him. We see flashes of Simon's youth in which two bullies terrorize his best friend Ralph at school.

This psychological thriller slowly unravels the traumatic past of Simon and his school friend Ralph and we discover the terrible secret Simon carries with him. Will he be able to make his peace and to continue the life he has built with his wife Laura? Or is the past too much of a burden and will Simon break down under the enormous pressure of his bad conscience.

Director’s Biography

Stanley Kolk