Original Title : Kollektivet
English Title : The Commune
Country : Denmark | Sweden | Netherlands
Language : Danish
Year : 2017
Runtime : 111 min
Director : Thomas Vinterberg
Venue: City Pride - Satara Road
Screen: Screen 4
Showtime: 14th Jan 2018, 6.00 p.m.
Venue: Mangla
Screen: Screen 4
Showtime: 17th Jan 2018, 5.40 p.m.
Berlin International Film Festival | Bodil Awards | Toronto International Film Festival | European Film Awards
Set in 1970s Copenhagen, the film focuses on a well-off professional couple who, upon inheriting a large house, decide to experiment with communal living, which was all the rage in Scandinavia at the time. Energized by the era's relaxed taboos, the couple assembles a diverse, rather motley crew of cohabitants and embarks on their adventure; but when infidelity enters the mix; both the commune and the marriage at its core begin to unravel.